If you are interested in getting perm please read this article first.
You should know about perm before you get and this will help you in the future .
What is men’s perm?
Mens’s perm is known as getting textured ,extra volume and fullness. Perm design are suitable with any type of length for guys.
How long male perm last?
Mens’s perm usually last between 3 to 6 weeks depend on curl type and length.
For lasting longer you might need extra maintenance and use special shampoo and conditioner.
What are the different types of perms for men’s?
There are several type of perm and you should know before you get perm otherwise each perm types come out different look and result.
Pin curl perm for male
Pin curl perm is only created curl at the ends part and make a direction.
Body Perm for male
body perm is good for getting volume on the top and big curl
Point perm for male
This perm is used for bangs or hairline at the nape of the neck .
Twist Perm for male
This is the tightest curl and get strong texture and movement.
Can I wet my hair after perm?
Basically we don’t recommend wetting your hair after a perm otherwise it doesn’t lock the curl perfectly right after the perm.
It’s takes 48 hous to lock your curl perfectly so if try not wet your hair.
Can you undo a perm?
If you want to undo the perm ,firstly try shampoo properly and leave a conditioner and treatment for 5 to 10 min.
Then comb threw your hair straight and leave it for another 10min.
Your hair curl getting loose and it will help you to manage easily.
Asian perm male
Basically asian men’s hair is mostly straight so many asian males getting perm recently.
It help hair volume up and get nice textured.
European perm male
There are many European have natural curly hair .
Basically they don’t need perm but some times the curl is not come out even .In that case perm is good way to look better.
Loose perm for men’s
If you are first time for perm loose perm is the best one for you.
You might need get used to maintenance and styling so loose perm is easy to manage it.
Tight perm for men’s
Tight perm will change your looking super cool.
You can arrange your hair up and down style as well.
Definitely you need to put some oil, cream or gel to style your hair otherwise hair look dry and without styling product it might be hard to look good.
Korean men’s perm
Most of Korean hair is super straight . Especially for men,Side of hair stick out easily so they often perm at the side part to be flat.
Afro men’s perm
Some people love afro hair.
It’s needed enough length so if you like to try you might need length like medium .
Man perm before and after
You will see how hair style change from before to after.
Even if you have short hair you can get many type of perm design .
You should talk with hair dresser about what type of perm is good on you.
How much is mens’s perm?
Price would be depend on salon.
Normally cut and mens perm $100 to $200.
But afro perm, spiral perm takes little longer so it would be more.
Before you get perm please check the price range for men’s perm.
Best mens’s perm hair salon

T-gardens New York hair salon is known as the most popular perm hair salon in NYC.
If you are interested in getting perm please visit our salon.
We offer consultation first and talk about what type of curl and perm is good on you.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.